Practical Guidance on how to prevent the next Pandemic
Having caused more destruction and disruption than any terrorist act or natural disaster in the last 100 years, COVID-19 has shaken our world and convinced the global community that we must do all that we can do to prevent another pandemic. But how? What exactly can we do to help avert a new catastrophic outbreak? Regenerating our world requires a regenerative approach, which is laid out in this Roadmap.
This multi-language Roadmap is a living, interactive tool designed by EarthTeam (formerly EndPandemics) for governments, organizations, corporations, civil society, and individuals across the globe, providing concrete, practical guidance on how to prevent the next pandemic. We invite you to review and use this Roadmap, and to join the vibrant global community that created it, as we continually refine and jointly implement solutions. This Roadmap can guide and empower you, those around you, and those who depend on you, to start on the path out of this self-inflicted Pandemics Era, and into a more secure world. Please download the Roadmap below.
● English
Raising Awareness among the World’s Leaders
As the world continues to reel from the harmful impacts of COVID-19, it is imperative that our leaders urgently find ways to prevent new devastating zoonotic outbreaks. In 2021, the Vatican COVID-19 Commission, EarthTeam (formerly EndPandemics) and United for Regeneration convened a roundtable to discuss specific recommendations that G20 Leaders could take up at their summit in Rome in October 2021. These recommendations focused on 1) Preventing Risk of Pandemics from the Trade in Wild Animals; 2) Preventing Risk of Pandemics Caused by Destructive Land Use Practices; and 3) Establishing Planetary Health Defense Funding Mechanism. To delve into the “Appeal To G20 Leaders: Reduce Risk of new Pandemics by addressing their Root Causes – Three Steps To Global Recovery And Regeneration”, please download the G20 Appeal below.
Pandemics – a Threat to international Security
This Whitepaper was published by EndPandemics, the Analytical Center of Excellence of Trafficking, and United for Regeneration in 2021. The authors recognize that pandemics are a global threat, and recommend the repurposing of well-funded national security programs, by linking them to environmental, agricultural, and development programs to scale pandemic prevention efforts. It argues that One Health is indeed the best strategy for a multi-sector, global approach to prevent more COVID-like outbreaks. To read more about Pandemics – the New Global Terror, please download the report.